Types of documents produced for consultancy work


I adapt the type and format of my documents to suit your needs, from syntheses to manuals, from one-page summaries, two-page memos, or 15-page narrative reports, to longer literature reviews with appendices. For instance, the syntheses I am often commissioned for are usually 15-page reports, with a one-page summary, a ten-page body, and four structured pages of references, links to resources, and lists of experts consulted where applicable.


I can also include visuals such as figures, infographics, charts, graphs, maps, and tables into the documents. Some are pre-existing visuals I obtain permission to use, others are original visuals which I create specifically for your document.


The types of documents I can provide include, among others:


  • Analysis of situations - e.g. main causes, actors, issues, and dynamics:
    • Conflict analysis
    • Peace analysis (e.g. drivers, capacities, scenarios, recommendations)
    • Political economy analysis
    • Political, economic, or social situation, trends, and likely scenarios
    • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of aid flows
    • Legal frameworks, analysed from a rights-based perspective
  • Analysis about causalities:
    • Causes (What causes abc? What are the enablers and constraints of abc? How important is factor x in causing abc?),
      including causal variables that are direct or indirect (as mediators or moderators),
      and variables with positive, neutral, negative, or no effects
    • Effects (What effects has abc had on xyz? Under what conditions?)
  • Analysis focused on a specific group or inequality in relation to a topic, sector, or aid approach (e.g. gender analysis of issue abc)
  • Comparison (Does a work better than b to achieve xyz?) and benchmarking
    (e.g. identifying which organisations have worked on an issue, and assessing their work against each other or against indicators)
  • Reporting against a policy or framework (e.g., annual report)


  • Lessons about what has worked, what has not, how, and why, on basis of well-established or emerging evidence
    (e.g., creating a rigorous synthesis based on a strong evidence base, or documenting promising practices or case studies based on limited information from the field)
  • Practical guidance and guidelines (How to do abc well?)
  • Advice on policy and practice, on strategy; expert peer review of policy or programme


  • Thematic or analytical mapping:
    • Evidence or data, for example: to map the state and strength of knowledge, and their shortcomings or gaps; or to distinguish between effects observed at one point in time (cross-sectional), over time (longitudinal), and in interventions (translational studies);
    • Actors and stakeholders;
    • Aid, and other financial flows (licit or illicit);
    • Useful resources or contacts


  • Definitions, measurement, indicators, and components of a concept


  • Original quantitative and qualitative analysis and synthesis of primary or secondary data
    (e.g. confidential data you provide and want analysed, or data freely available online)


For examples of past reports I have produced, please visit my academia.edu page, where I have made available all the consultancy reports that commissioning agencies allowed me to publish.

For a full list of the titles of my publications, please email me (I will of course not communicate confidential reports, nor any details about the query and commissioning agency for these, but can provide the full list of titles).